Our Story

Yayasan Rising Star was founded with the hopes of building a new generation of well-rounded leaders to help build Sumatra and Indonesia into a dynamic and prosperous region of the world. Its main project was to build a school that will train up a generation of young people who will benefit the city of Palembang and its surrounding areas.

The founders also realized the globalization of SE Asia’s economy and culture. Therefore, they envisioned an international curriculum with English as the primary language of instruction. In 2009, the Yayasan Rising Star founded the school currently called RSI.

why RSI?

The staff at RSI has firsthand experience in sending students to the top universities around the world. Great schools have great teachers!

Language: Full Time English lessons. We also teach Indonesian, Mandarin and Korean languages.

Culture: Indonesian, Asian and Western Countries

Teaching: Knowledge & Values. We aim to lead students along a disciplined way or path to explore and discover knowledge, truth and character.

Our identity as a school, international in culture, allows us to prepare our students for universities around the world.



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RSI exists to develop a world full of Godly Leaders.

RSI develops godly leaders by educating the student through holistic experiences, equipping the teachers & empowering the parents to glorify God


Holistic Transformational Education

RSI follows a code of sound moral principles based on the best values from educational systems from around the world. Character formation is the foundation for any successful education program.

RSI believes that the family is the Foundation of Education where a child learns for the first time. Therefore, parental involvement is highly necessary for the overall growth of the child. Furthermore, RSI believes that happy families create happy students. With this ideal, we strive to empower parents to lead their families in wisdom and positivity.

RSI also believes in giving guidance to a child to create a world for them where self-centeredness does not play a major factor in their life goals. Instead RSI strives to develop children who have a personal desire to help the communities around them and abroad, thereby respecting people of all cultures and beliefs.

RSI endeavors to develop children who can think for themselves according to the highest standards. Furthermore, RSI strives to develop students who will relate with people who are different from them, making them influencers for the coming generation.


Yayasan Rising Star was founded with the hopes of building a new generation of well-rounded leaders to help build Sumatra and Indonesia into a dynamic and prosperous region of the world. Its main project was to build a school that will train up a generation of young people who will benefit the city of Palembang and its surrounding areas. The founders also realized the globalization of SE Asia’s economy and culture. Therefore, they envisioned an international curriculum with English as the primary language of instruction. In 2009, the Yayasan Rising Star founded the school currently called RSI.


RSI has space for its children to learn, grow and have fun.  Each floor of the school houses a separate department.  The ground floor incorporates the kindy program, which includes an indoor activities room, playground, movie room, library and classrooms.

The primary grades are located on the 2nd floor.  This floor includes classrooms, a science lab, and a teachers office. And the 3rd floor includes classrooms, a computer lab, an English room, and an auditorium.

The secondary grades are located on the 2nd floor & 3rd floor of another building.  The 2nd floor includes classrooms, science lab, and a teachers office. The 3rd floor includes classrooms, an auditorium and the 4th floor includes the library.

RSI is also developing its library into a friendlier and more inviting area where students can go and comfortably read books of their choice.